Tips For Designers
Cak wang
1. Set goals to whom you are doing graphics will be addressed. By considering the factors of age, sex, educational level, profession, culture, etc..
simple use of color |
2. Use color if necessary. In today's computer technology, you'll be able to create up to 16.7 million colors. Therefore, choosing the color is an interesting challenge.
3. If you create graphics for corporate documents, you need to consider the color sceme used by the company.
Stationary Set a Company |
4. Among the designers known motto KISS (Keep It Simple Stupit). Make your work is simple, because good work is not a work of intricate and complex. Use 3 to 5 colors are considered to be sufficient. Besides, consistency in the use of color in the works that consist of several pages which are key to the success of these graphics.
Simple Color |
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